Archbishop Harsnett meets Doctor Gilberd for horn and trumpet (2012)
4-5 mins: Grade 7-8
Commissioned by the Britten Sinfonia as part of the Colchester Music of Place project, this work represents an imaginary conversation between these two seventeenth-century gentlemen, whose statues occupy adjacent niches in the Colchester Town Hall facade. During the weekend of 8-9 September 2012 it was performed 6 times on the town hall balcony, bravely challenging the roar of the traffic beneath, and also in the Britten Sinfonia concert in Colchester Arts Centre on 8th September, accompanied only by the slight roar of the air-conditioning. The performers were Paul Archibald (trumpet) and Pip Eastop (horn).
Audio extract to come
Complete score Archbishop Harsnett meets Doctor Gilberd Please feel free to print out and perform!
Archbishop Harsnett meets Doctor Gilberd