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Alan Bullard – composer
Contact, biography, catalogues and links
Short biography
The Music of Alan Bullard
Selected performances 2017 –
Colne Edition
Colne Edition – complete list
The Janet and Alan Bullard Piano Series
Prayer and Praise for Choirs
Complete Catalogue of Compositions
Music for Choirs
Upper Voice Choral
Choral Music for Christmas
Choral Music for Worship
Choral Music for Concerts (Secular)
Instrumental Music – solo or duo
Woodwind Solos and Duos
Brass Solos and Duos
String Solos and Duos
Keyboard Solos and Duos
Percussion solos and duos
Instrumental Ensembles and Orchestral Music
Woodwind and Brass Ensembles
String and Mixed Ensembles
Orchestral Music (including Concertos)
Solo Voice with instrument(s)
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God be in my head